Our collection of hardw from Erva Tool is sold "A la carte" - individual components that make up the perfect set-up for your situation.. Drill destination hole in floor. Run wire through hole. Feed the wire through the back of the outlet box, insert the box in the wall, and mount it in . Fill existing hardware holes
Fill existing hardware holesRemember how this piece had some very unusual hardware choices?

Well you want to know why?
Because the handles are covering 2 EXTRA sets of holes.
Ugh. I really don’t enjoying filling holes, so finding the 2 extra didn’t thrill me to pieces.
But then, (cue infomercial music) I learned Flat Head Hardwood Plugs!
They’re $2.67 for a box of 50 and they are super simple to use.

Just follow these 3 simple steps.
1. Measure the holes and chose the right size plug.
2. Line the plug up with the unfilled hole.

3. And tap it in with a hammer.

That’s all!
I sought after to compare the final results of the plugs to traditional wood filler.

The top 2 holes are filled with the plugs and the bottom 2 are filled with wood filler.
Both lie flush with the drawers go up and both have taken the primer and paint equally well.
I’m sold on these small guys! No gloppy wood filler, no sanding, no waiting.
Excellent things do come in small post.

PS I’ve gotten a few emails asking where to find these.
Answer: Home Depot!
Fill existing hardware holes
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how to fill holes in a cinder block wall home guides Holes in a cinder block wall not only unsightly, but also, over time, will grow larger. As moisture fills the holes and the temperature changes, the edges will . ....readmore at http://homeguides.sfgate.com/fill-holes-cinder-block-wall-39172.html
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Fill existing hardware holes