Apocalypse Not: Hereâs Why You Shouldnât Worry About End Times Photo: Garry McLeod; Alamy; Yva Momatiuk & John Eastcott/Getty. This is the question posed by the . Weâd all like to avoid subles wherever possible when it comes to anime. At the same time, weâd like to be able to understand what we watching without . Some Things You shouldn’t do yourself “DIY” NOT!!
Yup my sun porch ceiling drywall fell to the floor and exposed a hole and oh no a water leak coming from my roof. Yes the same roof that had a serious hole in it when I bought the house, yes I bought a house with a hole in the roof. But that was just fine because that could be fixed and so it was. So I plotting. Now this is when you get on the phone and call that contractor who fixed the roof the first time and tell him how mad you are and that he better come fix what he didn’t fix the first time. Well that is exactly what I would do if only I used a contractor the first time. Hmmm some things you just shouldn’t do physically and friends this is one of them.
This is one of those times we must have called in a professional but we didn’t because we plotting we were saving money. (This is lesson learned). If you have a broken leg or arm would you fix it physically or would you call in a doctor who knows what the “Heck” he/she is doing? Geez I wish I’d called the roof doctor. Every now and then you learn the money you reckon you’re saving is not really a savings at all. This lesson has taught me there are some things you just shouldn’t do physically. Friend unless you are a roof doctor please don’t attempt to do the roof physically. Now I’m not saying you can’t because I’m quite sure you can do whatever thing you place your mind to, you can do it but just make sure you have the credentials to pull it off.
I’m sorry for all the fury and irritation of my ceiling woes but every now and then venting is all we have and I hope you don’t mind me laying it on you today because I feel dreadfully aggravated and annoyed over something that could have been avoided. Well without further ado check out this scary ceiling of mind.
Check out this hole in my ceiling its not pretty, Right! |
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Yikes!! Hideous, Hideous and more Hideous. I despise this. Check out how the room use to look before all the unsightliness. The truth is this room has been through a few changes since I’ve lived here but the all been for the excellent most certainly not for the terrible. Here is the first look of this sun porch. Check it out! Look 1 |
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Not so terrible. Right! But this room was a small dark for a sun porch so we plotting we’ll change it just a small. Before I show you how it looked before the hole in the roof here is a few more pic’s the way it looked first. |
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I’m sorry for the terrible photos, as you can see there is a table for intake but just a small crowded to say the least. |
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Did you notice the Sun shelter is painted orange one of the colors in the sun room? The sun shelter was pretty hideous before we cleaned in spray painted it a Terracotta orange. |
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This room was pretty terrible when we first bought the house believe it or not as I said before we bought the house with a hole in the roof to start with and even worst then that if it can get any worst we had grass growing out of the ancient dirty worn out tile that was on the floor. One of the bright spots in this room other then it being a sun room was the floor that we learned under all the unsightliness. Yep! (Solid hardwood floors). Nice! You see I’m tiresome to find a bright spot among all of this. Now here is the last the room looked before the ceiling caved in. Look 2 |
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Here it is the look we had before the ceiling drywall leaky roof cave. This room is a bit sunnier than the before look in look 1. Now I say the look before because clearly everything in this room had to be went because of the leak. You see the chair by the Window? Water leaked all over the cushion and pillows and not to mention (wet drywall) yikes not pretty. Here are a few more photos of how this room looked before the leaky roof. |
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Now friends, I do apologize for the faulty photos I did my best with what I have but nonetheless I hope you know my frustration about my sun porch woes. This has me saying, (Some things you shouldn’t do physically)so I have my work cut out for me for a small bit as I track down a roof doctor who can fix this leak and then I can have my ancient room back and who knows I’ may change some things but after paying someone to do this job I’m sure money will be in small supply to say the least but at least this time if it’s not done right I can blame someone else. So with my learned lesson, I can only hope you too will take heed and grasp that sometime you have to call in the pros.
So What You Reckon?
Have you ever taken on a job like this physically?
Let me know in your comments below
Some Things You shouldn’t do yourself “DIY” NOT!!
apocalypse not here's why you shouldn't worry about end Apocalypse Not: Hereâs Why You Shouldnât Worry About End Times Photo: Garry McLeod; Alamy; Yva Momatiuk & John Eastcott/Getty. This is the question posed by the . ....readmore at http://www.wired.com/2012/08/ff_apocalypsenot/
5 anime that you shouldnât need english subles to watch Weâd all like to avoid subles wherever possible when it comes to anime. At the same time, weâd like to be able to understand what we watching without . ....readmore at http://japaneselevelup.com/5-anime-that-you-shouldnt-need-english-subtitles-to-watch/
birth monopoly three things your doula canât tell you Why do doulas take this approach about your provider? For one thing, doulas truly committed to you making your own decisions. Theyâre not supposed to tell you . ....readmore at http://birthmonopoly.com/doulas/
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Some Things You shouldn’t do yourself “DIY” NOT!!